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​What is Orthodontics? Importance and Treatment Processes for Your Dental Health

​Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that ensures the correct alignment of teeth, jaw and facial structure. In addition to creating an aesthetic smile, it also increases the quality of life by improving oral health. Orthodontic treatment is offered professionally at affordable prices in expert dental clinics in Marmaris.

​For Whom Is Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

Orthodontics is necessary not only for aesthetic concerns, but also in the following cases:

Crooked or irregular teeth

Jaw alignment problems (such as lower jaw retardation or upper jaw protrusion)

Teeth not closing properly (malocclusion)

speech disorders

Chewing or swallowing problems

When left untreated, these problems can lead to more serious conditions such as tooth decay, gum disease and jaw joint problems.

​Orthodontic Treatment Methods

Dental clinics in Marmaris offer different treatment options to suit the individual's needs:

Metal Brackets: It is a traditional method and offers durable and effective results.

Transparent Brackets: They are an ideal option for those with aesthetic concerns.

Lingual Orthodontics: Brackets are placed on the inside of the teeth and provide invisible treatment.

Transparent Plates (Invisalign): It is a removable, comfortable and aesthetic treatment method.

Advantages of Orthodontic Treatment
  • ​Aesthetic Improvement: Properly aligned teeth increase self-confidence.

  • Functional Recovery: Provides better chewing and speaking functions.

  • Maintaining Oral Health: Straight teeth reduce the risk of caries by making brushing and flossing easier.

​Orthodontic Treatment Prices in Marmaris
  • ​Türkiye offers both quality service and affordable prices in orthodontic treatments. You can have a holiday and have a healthy smile by working with expert dentists in Marmaris.

​Why Marmaris Dental Clinics?
  • ​Marmaris dental clinics are known for their experienced orthodontist staff, state-of-the-art equipment and patient-oriented service approach. Additionally, the opportunity to receive treatment while holidaying in the city makes Marmaris an attractive destination for health tourism.

  • If you want to have both an aesthetic and functional smile with orthodontic treatment, you can make an appointment at specialist dental clinics in Marmaris. It's time to take the first step towards a healthy smile!

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